

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, nicknamed Mormons, follow the example of the Savior and are baptized by full immersion by a priesthood holder who has authority from God to perform baptisms.

How to Know This is True

How to Know This is True

 The members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sometimes nicknamed Mormons, know God has lovingly sent us prophets to help us get through the last days of earth successfully. However, He has also given us a way to receive personal revelation just for...

Plan of Happiness

Plan of Happiness

God has a plan for our lives. This plan includes aspects that affect all people who come to earth, and also personal plans, just for us. These personal plans are possible because our Heavenly Father knows us and loves us in a very personal way.

Modern Day Prophecy

Modern Day Prophecy

God talked to man in the first days of the world because they were important days and everything had to be in place for the Savior and then, briefly, to make sure the Savior wasn’t forgotten during the apostasy. Today, we are in the final days of the earth, and it is equally important that we have a prophet to guide us through them, and to prepare us for the events of the second coming, just as the Old Testament prophets prepared us for the first coming.

The Book of Mormon–the Story Within

The Book of Mormon–the Story Within

The Book of Mormon is subtitled “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” as a way of giving people a glimpse of the purpose of the Book of Mormon. It does not replace the Bible. Throughout the book, in fact, you’ll find the Bible referred to and testified of. Portions...

God the Father

God the Father

The God the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worship is a living, loving God who is an active participant in the world today, and in the lives of His children.

LDS Teen Boys

LDS Teen Boys

LDS teenage boys are introduced at a young age to leadership and service.

LDS Marriages

LDS Marriages

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do not practice polygamy today. Their marriages are very traditional, one man and one woman, with the man presiding in love with a wife who is his equal partner in managing the family.

The Family: A Proclamation to the World

The Family: A Proclamation to the World

The Mormon Church holds traditional marriage in high regard. Unlike the polygamist religions, they believe God today requires marriage to consist of one man and one woman. It does not condone various forms of alternative marriages, including homosexual marriages, and...

LDS Women in the Home

LDS Women in the Home

In the home, men and women work as equals, respecting their differing roles, to complete the work God gave them. The husband is the head of the home, but this doesn’t mean he’s the boss. It simply means he presides.

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